Why do Animals Enter our Lives?
Within days/weeks of my kundalini awakening, I began having very vivid visions. Many of them were of animals. I was also shown how the universe was constructed and taken to other galaxies. I was shown a crocheted blanket in the sky, that linked everything above together. I saw a human, standing in front of a tree and his body was made out of a sequence of dots or tiny cells, that were all connected in order for the body to function. I saw how the human was connected to the tree and so on.
One of the first memories I have, was of me taking a shower on a quiet morning in Lynwood, WA. I closed my eyes to rinse the shampoo out of my hair, and almost fell over. In a vision through my third eye, I saw many animals lining up to greet me. The animal in the front was a large elephant, directly in front of me, reaching out to me with his trunk. His energy warm and loving. I grabbed the shower rod, just barely avoiding falling backyard.
Since this was my first experience, I wasn’t even sure what to do and didn’t fully understand why the animals came to me. It was my belief or feeling that they came to hold space for me, to receive love and healing. It was amazing! In my mind, I thanked the animals for coming to me and told them I would send them Reiki. I also welcomed them to join me any time I provide Reiki to myself or others, to receive energy healing, hold space, or provide a message.
To my astonishment, daily animal visits became a thing! However, along with the love and support of the animals, I also became more aware and sensitive to the pain, torture, and cruelty, many animals around the world were going through. I would casually open Facebook and be shown pictures of a dog meat trade. My heart was broken and I cried for days, weeks even.
I knew that part of my new journey, was to bring the love of animals into people’s hearts and to share my gift for energy healing with animals, any time I could. Sharing does not need to come in the form of a formally booked Reiki session; but could occur even at an animal rescue/sanctuary. While in Washington, I became a volunteer for two animal rescues and the experience was rewarding beyond measure.
Watch for my posts and blogs on Facebook and Instagram, as I highlight a different animal each month; My plan is to share the animal’s strengths, reasons to call them in to assist you in life, and reasons why they may just show up and cross your path. Bring animals into your hearts!
Today I support the Turtle Mountain Animal Rescue (on Facebook and Instagram). This rescue provides warmth, safety, and medical care for dogs who are strays or abandoned by their families on the streets to fend for themselves, often in harsh cold winter weather. This rescue is God-sent! God-provided!
I also support Skydog Sanctuary (on Facebook, Patreon, and Instagram). You can join Patreon for $2/month and see all their beautiful videos. Clare has two locations where she rescues, cares for, and provides medical care for wild horses. Many of these horses were starved, abused, and ready to be shipped to oversees meat markets. Clare is an angel of God! Her tireless services should be rewarded!
TUG – Thank you God!