My Memoir
Finding my Heart
Opening to the LOVE within

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About the Author:
Laurie Comeau’s home life was far from ideal. With an angry alcoholic father, a depressed mother, and unstable elder sister, Laurie tried her best to be both unseen and unheard, to stay out of the line of fire.
As an adult, Laurie worked as a respiratory therapist in various hospitals for approximately 15 years. During this time, she developed a passion for clinical research and moved into this area at the age of 39. She remained in this field until she began experiencing various health conditions.
When medications did not relieve her arthritic pain, she sought out alternative, holistic methods. In doing so, she accidentally fell upon Reiki energy healing. After one session, her pain had disappeared. Laurie eventually became a Reiki master energy healer. In her business, she now offers angel-guided, intuitive Reiki energy healing sessions.
In addition, to help reduce her stress and find peace in her chaotic life, Laurie began implementing simple daily heart-centered practices. In 2019, this led to a powerful Kundalini awakening. Her life was forever transformed! Along with her awakening, she had visits with angels and St. Francis. Her spiritual gifts began opening and she is now a strong clairvoyant!
To manage her new way of “being”, Laurie continued to incorporate these daily modalities, creating a life of full connection, peace, gratitude, love, and joy. She was able to find the love within and open to her heart’s full potential!